Swashett Font Family

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Free for Personal UseDownload

Font Details

Size:33.02 KB
Version:1.0 Sun Mar 21 15:37:23 1993
Designer:Thomas E. Harvey

Character Map



Your usage of the font may not be free. If you are using the font to create things for your personal use - an example would be personal stationery - then feel free to use the font(s). Emblazon your backpack or your Subaru with flashy monograms!

If you will be using the font for charitable use, such as a non-profit volunteer organization, scouting, church group, whatever - then the use of the font(s) is again free. Have at it!

Usage of the font(s) in a for-profit business enterprise of any kind - including those that are not yet profitable - requires the one-time purchase of an end-user font license. All commercial businesses, blogs that have advertising, dog-sitters, and anything which has a goal to turn a profit fall in this area.

Unless you're sure that you're in the clear, drop me a note asking about font licensing at: TomzFonts@gmail.com

I'll send you a PDF with all the details. Easy payment via PayPal, personal check, Zelle, or whatever. And you'll be legal for a lifetime. A bonus is that when you license, I send you a zip file with every one of my fonts!

Thanks for downloading! I'm glad you liked the font well enough to take the time!

Best - Thomas E. Harvey

File Contents

File NameSizeType
SWASHETT.TTF33.02 KBTrueType Font